Useful Links

The full stay at home guidance is available at:


Due to the uncertain times ahead we have included details of charities and helpful contacts you may need to contact for your families, friends or neighbours :-

Sport England have provided some useful ideas about how to stay active if you are at home.  They can be accessed from their website on

The Launch Project: Doing emergency packs for people self-isolating or finding it hard to get out  0161 883 3192

 Salford Assist: People in crisis who don’t have money for food or heating call 0800 694 3695

Costcutter Eccles: Offering free delivery for elderly and vulnerable 07958241154/ 07544371341

The Tatton: Ordsall Café. Hold the bread and butter project. Family Shopping from £7 0161 872 6011

Iceland Salford Precinct: Open for over 65’s 9-11 on a Wednesday

If you are down to £4 on your gas and electric pay and go. You can phone your provider and ask for a fuel voucher. You can do this twice a year and don’t have to pay it back. £40 credit will be given to you.

If you can’t get baby formula, if you ring your local pharmacy they should be able to order you some. Or if you look on the back of the baby formula tin some have helpline numbers and they should be able to deliver some to you.

Eccles Foodbank Centre 
Connect Church, where our Eccles foodbank centre runs from on Friday mornings (11am - 1pm) is currently undergoing building work.  This means that although we will still run a foodbank session from here, we have very limited space and the only entrance will be on Wellington Road.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

Swinton Foodbank Centre 
We are pleased to confirm that we will be opening a new foodbank centre based at Salvation Army, Station Road, Swinton at the end of June/beginning of July.  We will confirm the exact date when known.  

The Swinton Foodbank Centre will be opening on Friday mornings from 10am -12pm.  We will then change the Eccles Foodbank Centre opening to a Thursday afternoon from 1pm - 3pm.  This means we will have a foodbank session running every week day.

Family Action Welfare Grants

Aims/priorities: Helping prevent an immediate crisis from spiralling and threatening the stability of families and individuals. Who can apply? All applications must be made by a suitable referring agency on behalf of a family. Suitable referring agencies include: statutory agencies or charities that provide health or social care; housing associations; probation services and GP’s. Grant amount: Up to £300 Application process: On line on the website Deadline: Opens on 1 April 2018 Contact information: Email: Website address:

 Food club that is run by Emmaus, near Salford Precinct.  Emmaus Salford (goods/cheap items)

Emmaus House, 101 Fitzwarren Street, Salford, M6 5RQ,    T: 0161 737 8279 or It is a club you can join if you are on low income and pay £2.50 per week and get £15 worth of shopping. 

Mustard Tree - 0161 228 7331 - Food parcels for people who are not receiving benefits because they have been stopped or suspended.  Referral needs to be from supporting agency who knows the client

Young Person Support Fund (Homeless) - Tel 228 7655 or 228 7654  

Wood Street Mission - 834 3140

New Harvest Christian Fellowship (Chapel Street) - (Food parcels) - Pastor Mike Aidaco

Tel 278 6305  or  07957 823 724 

Booth Centre (Homeless drop in centre) - Free drink and sandwich - Tel   835 2499 

Worlds Harvest chapel street (Food Parcels) -  0161 -278- 6305

Befrender Service- in Manchester near Piccadilly contact Deccan- David Smith- 0161 -278- 6795 you need to give parents a letter on letter headed paper that states that you are supporting and the family needs a food parcel, also if there are any dietary requirements. - Community Care Grants have now been replaced with Salford Discretionary Support.  Families will no longer be given money to buy goods, instead they will be supplied with the furniture direct.  Families will only be able to apply for essential items such as fridge, cooker, beds etc.   

 If a family is in need of emergency items such as gas/electric for metre, food, nappies etc then they will be expected to attend Salford Opportunities Centre where they will be supplied with vouchers for the items.  

 Foodbank contact details that serve all across Salford are as follows:

Loaves and fishes:            0161 737 8775 - Off Churchill Way

Trussell Trust:                  Farnworth & Kearsley (supplies part of Little Hulton) 
                                                  - 01204 861671  /
                                         Salford Central (Pick up from Salford Precinct)
                                                    - 07583 256787  /
                                         Eccles - Currently under development

                                     Mocha Parade Salford M17 1QE Tel. 07583256787


Glasspool Charity

A UK wide charity providing grants to vulnerable adults as well as  children and  families.  

white goods; bedding; household goods.  Complete application form online.  If authorised will credit children services to then proceed with purchase.

Frank Buttle Trust

Rownstree Charity****Utilities-Trust-Fund****

St Pauls (Boardwalk) Salford – 736 8868

Paddington Close – M6 5JG

Community Transport (Nr Sainsbury’s /Regent Road) – 736 8852

1 Hope Street, M5 4WN

Discount or refurbished electric cookers

Wesley Community Furniture Project and we can supply cookers as well as furniture packages.

56-58 Lloyd Street South
Fallowfield,  Manchester M14 7HT   T: (0161) 226 9051     Donations/Transport Office

Rob Ramwell     |    Corporate Project Manager


Tel. 235 0744

Booth Centre

10-12 Tue/Thur – Free drinks & sandwich

Tel. 835 2499

Young Person Support Fund

Tel. 228 7655 / 7654

Harvest Christian Fellowship

No perishables (i.e Milk/Bread)

Tel. 278 6305 or 07957 823724

Pastor Mike Aidaco

Church of the Ascension (Broughton Tue/Fri)            Tel. 07583 256787

Coffee 4 craig

Myriad Foundation ; Islamic charity organisation

Another is Vicar's Relief Fund St Martins in the Fields

Children with additional needs - Turn2us is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services. :

Turn2us is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services.

ADULTS with special needs

Independence at Home is a charity that provides grants to people of all ages who have a physical or learning disability or long term illness and who are in financial need.

WHITE GOODS{*htmltag0{*htmltag0 (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)****Utilities-Trust-Fund****{*htmltag0

 A-teams is the community arm of Audacious Church, Manchester. There are several free services that you can access.
The baby hamper project is about offering a service to expectant mums or mums with new babies (roughly aged up to 3 months old) who are in need of some help during this very important time.
We can assist by delivering a hamper of new goods which are the baby basics i.e. nappies, wipes etc and/or a package of second hand baby clothes which are in good condition.
Food parcels are also available for any person you feel is really in need of one.
For further details or to send in a referral, please fill out the form below and email: (baby hamper or baby hamper & food parcel combined) (food parcel only)
Tel no:0161 830 7000   Furniture centre in Trafford park who supply low price goods –  Phone. 0161 968 0125  Cleanstart Re-Use Centre, Mosley Road, Trafford Park M17 1NR  Open hours mon- Fri  8am–4pm