Constitution of the Governing Body
The Governing Body has the overall responsibility, under the Education Act 2002, for the conduct of the school, for promoting high standards of educational achievement, and for ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. The Headteacher is accountable to the Governing Body for the internal organisation, management and control, and the educational performance of the school and its students. The governing body has responsibility for the appointment of all staff but has delegated this to the Headteacher for all staff below Deputy Headteacher.
Governors are responsible for overseeing the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent, and ensuring that St Mary’s has an effective and appropriate system of financial and management controls. The Governing Body has delegated the day to day responsibility to the Headteacher for implementing effective management systems, including financial monitoring and control systems, and for ensuring that the systems conform with good financial management practices.
The names and terms of office of the members of the governing body are shown on the membership list.
The Governors approve all policies and review the performance of the school at all levels through the following Committees:
School Effectiveness
Finance and Health & Safety Buildings and Premises
The Headteacher and Senior Staff Performance Management and Pay Review committee.
Admission (Overseen by LA)
Other Committees are formed as required for considering staffing and pupil issues.
The Governing Body has the power to appoint Associate Members to Committees.
The Headteacher is automatically a Governor. The staff of the school elect a Staff Governor.
Parent Governors are elected by a ballot of all parents/carers.
The Local Authority appoints a representative.
Foundation Governors are the majority (it follows from the voluntary-aided status of the school) and are appointed by the Salford Diocese.
All Governors are elected for a period of four years, but often stand for more than one term of office.
4 Foundation Governors
1 Head teacher Governor
1 Staff Governor
2 Parent Governors
1 Local Authority Governor
1 Associate Governor
Governor | Title & Class | Main Committee/s | Additional Responsibilities | Pecuniary business interests | Appointed by | Term of Office |
Mrs P. Rose |
School Effectiveness; Finance,Buildings, Premises and H&S; Admissions; Appeals; Complaints; Confidential; HT Performance Management; Pupil Discipline; Staff Capability; Staff Discipline; Staff Appeals |
Chair of Governors, Attendance and Punctuality, Whistle blowing, Curriculum Chair of Finance |
None | Diocese | 08/04/21 - 7/4/25 |
Mr S Ingram
Foundation |
None | Diocese |
17/07/24 - 16/07/28 |
Rev Fr Martin Collins |
Admissions |
Parish Priest
None |
Diocese |
04/12/2018 - 03/12/2022 |
Mr. L. De Sousa |
School Effectiveness; Appeals; Complaints; Confidential; Pupil Discipline; Staff Capability; Staff Discipline; Staff Appeals | SDIP | None | Diocese | 10/05/2018 - 07/06/2026 |
Mr. T. Snape |
Finance,Buildings, Premises and H&S |
Writing | None | Diocese | 17/12/21 - 16/12/25 |
Mrs. P. Hoskins |
Finance,Buildings, Premises and H&S; Appeals; Complaints; Confidential; Pupil Discipline; Staff Capability; Staff Discipline; Staff Appeals | Numeracy | None | voted by parents | 22/01/24 - 21/01/28 |
Mrs J. Wilde | Parent | Finance,Buildings, Premises and H&S, Appeals; Complaints; Confidential; Pupil Discipline; Staff Capability; Staff Discipline; Staff Appeals |
Vice Chair of Governors SEND |
None | voted by parents | 11/07/22-10/07/26 |
Mrs T. Spotwood
Foundation Governor | Finance,Buildings, Premises and H&S, Appeals; Complaints; Confidential; Pupil Discipline; Staff Capability; Staff Discipline; Staff Appeals | Safeguarding and Equality | None | Diocese | 09/03/2023 - 08/03/2027 |
Mrs K Gill | Foundation Governor | Finance, School Effectiveness. Health and Safety | Literacy | None | Diocese |
15/03/2024 - 14/04/2028 |
Miss K. Norwood |
Staff |
Finance,Buildings, Premises and H&S; Admissions;School Effectiveness |
Board development, Young carers LAC |
None |
voted by staff |
Mr. S. Hewson | Headteacher | School Effectiveness; Finance,Buildings, Premises and H&S; Admissions; Appeals; Complaints; Confidential; |
Governor Headteacher |
None |
Headteacher from 25/03/2022 |
Mrs N. Bielby | SLT | School Effectiveness, | Associate Member | None |
07/11/23 - 06/11/25 |
RED - Voting Rights at Committee meetings
GREEN - No Voting Rights
Italics and Bold - Resigned or Retired