CAFOD 2021

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the children that took part in various events over the past weeks to try and raise money for the Cafod Walk for Water Appeal.


Nursery and Reception managed several laps around their playground, walking, skipping and hopping.

Years 1 & 2 managed 20 laps around their playground whilst bouncing balls.

Year 3 Walked for a total of 5 hours over several weeks

Year 4 Walked a total of 5km 

Years 5 and 6 literally Walked for Water from one end of the playgound to the opposite end collecting water.


Once again thank you for your support and sending in any sponsorship monies raised.  If you have not already done so please send in any funds to school as soon as possible.


Yours thankfully,




St Marys R C Primary School